Step 71: Read the Humanities~ Keith Braithwaite

Birat Rai
2 min readJun 4, 2019


This is the 71st Step towards gaining the Programming Enlightenment series. If you didn’t learn the 70th Step, read it.

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People write software with people for people. It’s people business. Unfortunately what is taught to programmers too often equips them very poorly to deal with people they work for and with.

Programmers build and use tools, we think about and create and modify and recreate tools. Tools are objects of interest to developers.

But for its users, a tool becomes an invisible thing understood only in use. For users tools only become objects of interest when they don’t work.

TL;DR Programmers and End Users think differently about the tool they are building or using.



Birat Rai
Birat Rai

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