Step 65: Prefer Domain-Specific Types to Primitives~

Birat Rai
2 min readMay 22, 2019


This is the 65th Step towards gaining the Programming Enlightenment series. If you didn’t learn the 64th Step, read it.

Data Types

What is Primitives?

It is a basic type of data type provided by a programming language. We can create more complicated using these basic types. Examples, int, float, boolean, etc.

What is Domain-Specific Types?

Also known as Abstract Data Types. These are the more complicated data types that are constructed using the primitive data type. The class represents the Domain-Specific types in modern languages. Example; VelocityInKnots, DistanceInNauticalMiles, UserAge, UserSex, etc.

Why use Domain-Specific Type?

  • The code becomes more readable as it expresses concepts of a domain, not just float or string.
  • The code becomes more testable as the code encapsulates behavior that is easily testable.
  • The code facilitates reuse across applications and systems.
  • The compiler gives an error for statically typed languages whereas, unit tests will help for the dynamically typed languages.

TL;DR Start exploring domain-specific types for the purpose of developing quality software.



Birat Rai
Birat Rai

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