Step 48: Large, Interconnected Data Belongs to a Database ~Diomidis Spinellis
This is the 48th Step towards gaining the Programming Enlightenment series. If you didn’t learn the 47th Step, read it.
What is Database and Database-Management System(DBMS)?
A database is an organized collection of data.
A DBMS is a computer-software application that interacts with end-users, other applications and the database itself to capture (CRUD) and analyze data.
Why use Database and DBMS?
If you want your application to have persistent data, than there is need for database and DBMS.
There are different Database Management System out there.
- Flat File Database
- Relational Database
- NoSql Database
What to use as DBMS?
There are many DBMS solution out there. It depends upon what is your use case and usages. Nowadays cloud solution are also on the rise.
I have tried Firebase services and they are awesome. Also, using the AWS is a great solution too.
TL;DR If your application is data driven, you should ponder on using the correct DBMS solution.
Go to 46th Step
Go to the 49th path.
- 97 things Every Programmer Should Know ~ Git Book
- 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know ~ Paperback
- What is Database? ~ Wiki
- CRUD operations in database ~ Wiki