This is the 45th Step towards gaining the Programming Enlightenment series. If you didn’t learn the 44th Step, read it.
It is a software application that provides facilities to computer programmers for software development.
Normally consists of compiler, interpreter, source code editor, build automation tools, debugger etc.
Some example include, intelliJ, Eclipse, NetBeans, AndroidStudio, Xcode etc.
Why know your IDE?
IDE is a very powerful tool. Any programmer can barely scratch out with text editors, even though that is the minimum one can start writing code. The invent of IDEs took place to reduce the menial task of compiling, assembling, or enhance programming with syntax highlighting or debugging.
As such, there are so many hidden functions in IDE that we barely notice. Exploring the IDE can help you with everyday repetitive tasks.
Know Android Studio?
There are so many functionalities one can perform with Android Studio. We will go through some powerful ones.
- Standardize the company style guidelines with settings.
cmd + alt + L // Boom it applies all your style settings.
- Install helpful plugins and increase productivity.
* Butterknife Zelenzy // Easy butterknife injections
* ADB Idea // Quick adb commands
* Key Promoter // Makes sure you use shortcut commands
* RoboPOJOGenerator // Converts json to pojo
* findBugs // Static code analysis tool
- Useful day-day shortcuts
⇧⌘A (Cmd + Shift + A) -> List of suggested actions
Shift + Shift -> Search everywhere
cmd + Shift + V -> Clipboard history
cmd + alt + L -> Format the code
cmd + O (and with Shift) -> Find class, file or symbol
alt + space -> Basic code completion
alt + space + shift -> Smart code completion
cmd + B or cmd + click -> Go to declaration
- Recording Espresso Test.
- Live Templates.
- Vector Asset Studio.
- Apk Analyzer.
- Git in Android Studio.
- Gradle Tool Window to run gradle tasks.
TL;DR Explore the IDE. You will find many actions that will help boost your productivity.
Go to 44th Step
Go to the next path (Coming soon).
- 97 things Every Programmer Should Know ~ Git Book
- 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know ~ Paperback
- Android Studio plugins ~ github
- Keyboard Shortcuts ~
- Intellij Keyboard Shortcuts ~ jetbrains
- Android Studio Features ~